
Many people in the world believe that transportation it the biggest reason for global warming. Strangely that is not true. Although it is in the top three, energy (electricity) and the materials we use are larger causes of global warming. Americans waste the most rescources in the world. If everybody lived like americans it would require 5 earths resources. We need to promote electric cars, wind, solar, and hydropower. Bonneville Dam in Portland, Oregon provides portlanders with all of their electricity. Some is even channeled into the San Francisco power grid! All the electricity from one dam. It would take approximately 3 coal fired powered plants to produce that much electricity! Overall, people (especially Americans) need to cut down on their usage of materials.


Greenists are people who are Eco friendly and support our environment. The will do almost anything to help our planet. They would sacrafice their life to help our environment. How that would help... I don't know. But anyway, I mainly want to acknowledge my viewers from the United Kingdon, India, and a few other places around the world. It means a lot to me that people are looking my site up and show ing that they care. It gives me hope. Thanks again to all my viewers!