Green Homes

Green Homes is a blog that helps promote environmentally friendly actions that help the planet. We want to help fix this huge problem we have created and make it as fun as possible. I understand that money doesn't grow on trees but if we don't correct our mistakes there won't be any trees at all! Even if all you can do to help is using one less sheet of paper a day, it makes a difference. We get it. Money is tight, but little actions can make a big impact. To fill the huge whole that we have dug ourselves into, everyone in the world will have to compost, everything must be recycled, and energy must be solar, wind, geothermal, wave, hydropower, etc. It sounds big. Even to me as I write this. But it is possible, all we have to do is care enough to try. No, not "I recycled this week so I never have to do it again," I mean everyone must try and keep on trying. So save the world one piece of paper at a time.

Greenhouse Gases

Many people in the world believe that CO2 emissions from cars are the biggest contributors to global warming. Strangely that is not true. Transportation accounts for only 25% of the pollution that humans as a whole put out into the atmosphere. Energy is roughly 33% and the materials we consume is a whopping 42%. The reason for that is the four stages.

The Four Stages
  • Extraction of natural resources - drilling up oil for plastic
  • Production of materials - turning cotton into a shirt
  • Consumption - washing/maintaining our clothing, homes, etc.
  • Disposal of used materials - throwing away food scraps
If we composted we would lessen the need for garbage trucks which emit CO2. That would shrink our landfills preventing the production of anaerobic bacteria that produce methane. (methane is 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide at trapping the suns rays in the atmosphere).
  • Recycling would prevent the need of extraction and disposal.
  • It would shrink our landfills.
  • Prevent the killing of trees.
  • Create a cycle. Right now it is all going one way.
  • Prevent the destruction of animal habitats.
There are way more ways that recycling would help our environment. If you have any ideas for me to add please comment below. Also you can do the social vibe to the right and help our environment.

The Earth

Why do I care about the environment?  Is it because I love the polar bears or the penguins?  Or because I don't like mosquitoes and the warmer the earth gets the more bugs?  Maybe I care because I love nature and wildlife.  Sometimes these questions revolve through my head and make me think about life.  What would life be like without clean water or without fresh air to breath?  Without fresh fruits and vegetables that we dine on every night.  Imagine the world full of fast food chains.  Everyone around you overweight including you.  What I mean is to cherish and love what you have.  Picture the world around you without everything you love.  Don't take anything for granted.  Always treat others how you would want to be treated.  Then life will have a meaning.

Renewable Energy

Different types of renewable energy are more prosperous in different climates and locations. For example, solar energy would produce more electricity if it were in Tuscon, Arizona than if it were in Portland, Oregon. Wind turbines would be more effecient in North Dakota than in Los Angelas, California. There is always a renewable energy that suits your climate whether it is solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, wave, or biomass. Research your location and find out what works for you!