Quick and Easy Tips

1)Turn off lights after you leave a room.
2)Grow fresh fruits and vegetables in your own back yard.
3)Plant trees in areas around your home to reduce carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere.
4)Support local organic farms that don't use pesticides and other toxins.
5)Use both sides of a piece of paper. More paper is being thrown away rather than recycled.
6)Limit yourself to only one or two magazine subscriptions.
7)Replace incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent lighting.
8)Don't buy individually wrapped candies on Halloween. Instead purchase a tub of Red Vines that do not use nearly as much plastic.
9)Supreme fuel burns cleaner and more efficiently than regular. Even though it costs more, if everybody used supreme there wouldn't be nearly as much carbon being released into the atmosphere.
10)Instead of turning up the thermostat, throw on a robe and slippers.
11)When it is hot outside invite friends and neighbors over and then turn up the AC. That way only one home is consuming energy while the others are not. (not including lighting and other electronics.
12)Instead of using plastic bags for your kids lunches use http://www.reusablebags.com to decrease the plastic flow into landfills.
13)Buy rain barrels and connect them to your gutter system. Then you can use it to water plants. (beware of mosquitoes)
14)Rather than driving your children to school and contributing to the traffic jam you can have them take the bus. The bus is meant to make it easier for parents while reducing the amount of CO2 that goes into the atmosphere.
15)Group your groceries so you don't have to make more than one trip out. For example go to the store where you but non-perishable items first and then go to the other store with perishable items.
16)If your job is far away ask a friend from work if they want to carpool with you. Even if everyone only carpooled one day a week it would still make a big difference.
17)Recycle Your Motor Oil -- In the United States we use about a billion gallons of motor oil each year
18)Instead of driving a regular car, if possible drive a hybrid which will reduce pollution and consume less fuel.
19)Unplug your phone charger when it's done charging. Appliances still consume electricity even if they are turned off. Unplugging them cuts the current and stops the flow of electricity.
20)1 time a month you should go around your neighborhood and pick up trash and stuff to keep your environment clean.
21) Use cloth diapers! (see "Fun Facts" for why)
22) Instead of throwing away items such as furniture, appliances and clothing, look for a place to donate them like Goodwill.
23) Make recycling easy by putting bins in the rooms where you use the products that can be reused. The kitchen is a good place to have one!
24) Use vinegar and water as a replacement to glass cleaner which has toxins that can hurt the environment.
Fun Facts
1) Cigarettes pollute the world 10 times more than diesel engines!
2) Cows consume 816,600 gallons of water in their lifetime!
3) One pound of potatoes takes 60 gallons of water to produce!
4)Motor Oil can seep down into our ground water supply. One quart contaminates 250,000 gallons of water.
5)Over 6.5 million dolphins have been killed by tuna fisherman. Fisherman's nets can reach 3/4 miles long and whatever gets trapped in them, dies!
6)Americans trash over 18 billion disposable diapers a year, this amount can go to the moon and back seven times. Diapers take up 1% of America's landfills and they take 500 years to decompose!
7)In fact three million tons of untreated feces and urine does not go through our sewage system but into our landfills.
8)Balloons cause the death for countless numbers of sea turtles and whales. Balloons cause them to suffocate or starve to death. Also metallic balloons can cause power outages when they get caught in power lines!
9)Americans wear out nearly 50 million pounds of rubber off their tires. This is enough rubber to manufacture 3 and a quarter million new tires from scratch!
10)Lighting consumes 1/5 of the electricity used by the U.S.